Research Plan

2024 Far/Ultiworld Fandom Survey Research Plan Overview

  1. Purpose and highest-level research questions:

    1. What does the disc golf community care about? 

    2. What do they think about the sport, the community, and all the things that it comprises?

    3. Collect information from the community, analyze and disseminate to relevant parties within the disc golf community (ex: PDGA, DGPT, the disc golf community as a whole)

  2. Category-level research questions: What areas are to be included in the survey and why?

    1. Category 1: Player Perceptions: What does the disc golf community think of professional players?

    2. Category 2: Entertainment from the Sport: How does the disc golf community prefer to engage with the sport as a fan?

    3. Category 3: Engagement with the Sport: How does the disc golf community prefer to engage with the sport as a player?

    4. Category 4: Sponsor Perceptions: How does the disc golf community view sponsors, both endemic and nonindigenous?

    5. Category 5: Participant Profile: Who is the disc golf community?  

  3. Survey Design: How can we best design a survey to answer these research questions?

    1. Platform: Zoho

    2. Multiple different survey lengths: (Short, medium, and long) to help facilitate the widest number of survey respondents

    3. Tailored survey logic design: The specific questions that will be asked to survey respondents will be adapted based off of their responses to earlier questions to only ask the most relevant and important questions

    4. Survey questions that allow for ratings, rankings and open-ended questions rather than only individual multiple-choice questions

  4. Survey Recruitment: How can we best access the entirety of the disc golf community?

    1. Multi-tiered recruitment strategy to attempt to access all members of the disc golf community, not just those that follow professional disc golf, in order to get a more holistic understanding of the community we are a part of

      1. Advertising on Disc Golf Network during live broadcasts of events both in the United States and European countries

      2. Advertising on post-produced disc golf YouTube content

      3. Recruitment with the help of the PDGA through email

      4. Recruitment through social media websites, including but not limited to: Reddit, X, Instagram and local Facebook communities

      5. Recruitment through disc golf podcasts

      6. Asking survey respondents to share the survey within their local disc golf communities

  5. Data Sharing: Who will have access to the survey data and findings?

    1. All surveys will be anonymous. Survey respondent names will not be collected. Any identifiable information (ex: email addresses) will be separated from the survey responses after submission to preserve anonymity. 

    2. The team at First Available Research will be the only members of the disc golf community with access to the actual survey response data. They will share analysis and findings with other members of the disc golf community but will never share raw research or survey data.

    3. Partners of the FAR/Ultiworld Fandom Survey will receive pertinent analysis and findings from the survey. Partners of the survey also have had input into the questions being asked in the 2024 FAR/Ultiworld Fandom Survey. Partners to the survey include, but are not limited to:

      1. Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA)

      2. Disc Golf Pro Tour (DGPT)

    4. Findings from the 2024 FAR/Ultiworld Fandom Survey will also be published in Ultiworld Disc Golf and available to the public.

  1. Timeline of Survey Deployment

    1. Development of survey with partners: February 2024 – July 2024

    2. Survey launch date: July 23, 2024

    3. Survey close date: August 18, 2024

    4. Analysis of survey data, sharing with partners, and publishing for the public: late August 2024 – January 2025

    5. Begin modifying survey for 2025: February 2025

Talk to us

Have any questions and suggestions? Think you have some skills that might benefit our team? We are always open to talk!