Published Articles

Each off-season, we publish a series of articles on our data and analysis available for free at Ultiworld Disc Golf. See below for links to each article. 


2023: The Survey Itself & Who Took It

This article summarizes the demographics of our 2023 survey respondents including age, race, location, education level, politics, religion, and household income. 

2023: Which Pros Do We Root For (and Against)

Who are the most popular players in the sport? We selected 37 MPO and 20 FPO players and asked the survey respondents whether they are rooting for or against them.

2023: How Fans Feel about Disc Manufacturers

This article shares some of the data collected through the Fandom Survey on disc manufacturers. Respondents rated manufacturers, and then we cross referenced these scores with other data collected in the survey

2023: Fan Relation to Discs

 In this article, we will cover the disc-purchasing habits of the survey respondents and look to see what affects these habits, including which professional disc golfers drive disc golf sales the most.

2023: How Fans Feel about Media and Commentators

This article focused on the data we gathered on the media, as well as ancillary questions about how closely individuals follow the sport and opinions on central institutions.

2023: What Are Fans’ Favorite Tour Courses?

To get a better understanding of how fans perceive the current courses on tour, we added a new question to the survey: “Which DGPT and Major courses are your favorites to watch? 

2023: Mailbag Questions & Final Thoughts

To wrap-up the 2023 Fandom Survey, we wrote this article to address some unanswered questions from the previous articles along with some reader questions.



2022: The Survey Itself & Who Took It

The purpose of this article is to explain the rationale behind the questions we asked in the 2022 survey and the demographics of our survey respondents.

2022: Which Pros Do We Root For (and Against)

Who are the most popular players in the sport? We selected 32 MPO and 21 FPO players and asked the survey respondents whether they are rooting for or against them.

2022: How Fans See Disc Golf Part 1

We asked respondents questions about their relationship with disc golf and how they view the sport. We cross-referenced these answers with fandom scores in search of noteworthy patterns or deviations.

2022: How Fans See Disc Golf Part 2

This article continues from where we left off in our previous article, analyzing data related to our respondents’ relationship with disc golf and how they see the sport.

2022: How Gender Affects Who We Root For

Which players are most (and least) popular with men vs. women? How closely to men follow disc golf compared to women? How does how closely a fan follows the FPO division affect Fandom Score? 


2022: How Height, Introversion/Extroversion, and Age Correlate With Who Fans Root For

 For the survey, we had the opportunity to ask some offbeat questions and did so because we were looking for possible strange connections. 

2022: Paul McBeth vs. Ricky Wysocki

Paul McBeth and Ricky Wysocki, the two most dominant players of the past 10 years, make up clearly the biggest rivalry in MPO disc golf of the moment, if not of all time. This article dives into how respondents of the Ultiworld/StatMando Survey perceive Ricky vs. Paul.

2022: Nikko Locastro Fans

Nikko had the lowest Fandom Score in 2022. We took a deeper look into demographic make-up of his fans and what they think of other players.


2022: Feature Cards, Player Attributes, and McBeth v Climo

Some final odds and ends from the fandom survey including feature card appearance v fandom score, most import attributes for why fans root for players, and a look at McBeth v Climo from the fans eyes.